Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Playmobil & Lego : What are they doing to be "Sustainable" ?

PLAYMOBIL product in its own plants

The main asset of the company PLAYMOBIL is that it produces in its own facilities in modern manufacturing.
Horst Brandstätter, the owner of PLAYMOBIL, explains his loyalty to the site: "A company can provide a high quality only if its products are manufactured in its workshops with people who have developed a flair for the requirements of the brand and have learned to provide the highest quality. "To remain competitive, PLAYMOBIL has invested the last five years more than 150 million euros in its manufacturing sites, beginning with Germany.

Less than 5% of PLAYMOBIL items are made in China, with partners for many years, which are ICTI certified. These are electronic items who need a lot of manual work. These products are of course subject to the same safety testing and quality as the rest of the range.

Corporate Responsibility of LEGO

Corporate Responsibility

Ever since the founding of the company in 1932, the LEGO Group has considered it important to take part in the improvement of issues that concern the “world” inside the LEGO Group as well as in relation to our stakeholders outside the LEGO Group - being the child and its parents, the retail shops, vendors and the society in general.

”Only the best is good enough” was the motto of Ole Kirk Kristiansen, founder of the company and inventor of LEGO bricks, and today we still involve that spirit in every way we operate.

This means that they do their best to make a positive impact on areas such as: human rights, working environment, environment, anti-corruption, charity etc.

The Environmental Policy shall ensure that all activities in The LEGO Group are planned and executed with respect towards the surrounding environment. The LEGO Group strives to ensure a high environmental standard. Compliance with national and international legislation and other standards, which The LEGO Group has adopted, is considered a minimum requirement. The Environmental policy supports the continuous process of integrating the Global Compact principles in our daily work:
  • Support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges
  • Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility
  • Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.

The LEGO Group Way

  • Continuous long term improvement: they continuously identify new improvement areas with the overall goal to protect natural resources and reduce climate impacts. The primary focus is on energy consumption, materials, waste, procurement and new technology. All production sites must be certified according to the international environmental management standard ISO 14001.
  • Products: they take environmental concerns into consideration through the entire life cycle of the products; from development, through production, distribution, in the daily use and disposal.
  • Suppliers: They have defined environmental standards in the LEGO Group Code of Conduct for their suppliers. Through on site audits and dialogue they engage actively with their suppliers to ensure and influence their environmental awareness and practice.
  • Responsibility: They integrate environmental considerations in all relevant processes and activities, and engage employees at all levels to assume responsibility for – and participate in – environmental activities. Each employee has the right and duty to call attention to circumstances which in his/her opinion are unreasonable or harmful to the environment.

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